Tuesday, June 14, 2011

An Unfortunate Event

 There has been some bad news following yesterday's quake. Gizmo the frog (who was Room 2's frog last year and has been living at my house this year) got squashed by his wee house. He is now buried in my back yard. He was a frog just like Sophie (Room 15's frog). We think he was a Southern Bell Frog. Now I have a container with no pet in it. We could use it for a class pet. If you have an idea for a good class pet that could go in a frog tank then leave a comment, or let me know when we get back to school. Hopefully we will be back on Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Miss Archbold and the Room 16 children. I am sorry to hear of the loss of your wee frog Gizmo. Sophie our Room 15 frog is here at home with me. I would like to suggest that you get a mouse. It will be fine living in your tank (without the water of course!). I have previously had pet mice in other classrooms and they make wonderful pets. They were called Macintosh and Wellington. If you have any mouse questions I am only too happy to answer them. Love from Mrs Simmons
