We had a visit from our buddy class (Room 27) this afternoon. We had re-generated our oobleck from yesterday so we took turns playing with it outside. Oobleck is a crazy mixture that looks and behaves like a liquid, but when you pick it up it feels like a solid. This is the oobleck trail that was left when the bell rang!!
This is the kind of mess that good fun makes. If you want to make some oobleck at home, here are some instructions that we wrote for writing this week:
How to Make Oobleck
You will need:
- Cornflour
- Water
- Food Colouring
- A large container
- First, put 6 cups of cornflour into the container.
- Next, add 2 cups of water.
- After that add 1 capful of food colouring.
- Then stir it all up.
- Finally, enjoy playing with it.
We loved playing with the oobleck too!